Get Freelancer Jobs Now!

Finally, a single site that helps you get more freelancer jobs now!
If you are struggling to sign more clients on freelancer sites.
Want to sell more on sites like Fiverr and Legitt?
This site is for you.

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You want to start a freelancing career, but you don't know how to begin?

We'll teach you everything you need to know about freelancing, from the ground up.
There are systems and methods anyone with basic skills can follow to make much more money online. The key is to follow a proven path to success.
I am not talking about hype or fake online dreams.
Not going to try and recruit you to sell soap to your neighbors.
No selling door to door, or sending spam email.
Real jobs from real business owners.
These are the kinds of jobs and work people dreamed of being able to do just 10 years ago.
Now everything about work is changing.
Here is an example the sales and website platform Shopify set goals in 2020 before every thing went crazy to hit in 2035.

They hit those goals in 2020 because of COVID-19!

More employers than ever before have workers still working from home. Some major companies have closed their offices entirely.

What this means is now they are more comfortable than ever at hiring freelancers.

The entire industry has jumped forward 10 years or more with the level of demand.

Right now, those who plant their seeds for business in this fertile soil will be the ones who reap the biggest rewards.

If you have time to start growing a business even if it is just part time, get started now.

If you have an existing freelance profile or business, now is the time to make it explode!

I was a fortune 500 senior manager for part of my career. I worked with new hires for major companies all the time. Even the best people working at those companies would not advance in pay or title more than once a year.

As a freelancer you can move up in income and pay much faster.

Here is a typical scenario.

You start at a very low introductory fee for your services.

In this example lest use Fiverr a platform for services that was entirely built on the idea of $5 for a service.

They started that way and most of their top sellers offer $5 gigs until they have been on the site and have a great number of positive reviews.

What the best do however is also offer upgrades, and upsell options for their offer from that $5 version. This way a percentage of their customers will choose the cheap option but then more and more will choose the option that pays the freelancer the best.

So they have their base offer for $5, then a starter offer at $25, and a professional offer at $50.

The smart freelancers leave off the upsell offers from their first listings. They get much more work and some great reviews then they upsell.

Another scenario.

Let’s say you are responding to a job listing on a site like Upwork but you have no reviews yet. What do you do?

I show you how to get the job with great case studies, and a killer profile. Lastly, I even help you learn to close the sale before you talk to the customer with video.

In fact, in my training videos I teach you how to use several top video tools to stand out from any competition and crush them. Grabbing the attention and work like magic.

I do not mind giving you a secret here for free, I want you to be successful. For me it is not about selling this course. It is about making a difference.

They key to selling more online is video, and that goes triple for freelance services.

Want to sell more on Fiverr, or Legitt?

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Include a video. But not just any video you need to create a listing authority video and I show you how.

Want to win more bids on work on sites like Guru, or Upwork. You need to use a subject matter expert video and I show you how to do that as well.

I even provide you with PowerPoint Templates, Google Templates, Word Templates, and more to save you hours of time and effort.

All you have to do is customize them with your photos and text.

Next thing you know you have a very powerful presentation.

Look if you want to be successful in anything in life you need to model your actions after someone who is successful.

Do not fall for the guy that goes and rents a sports car, and a mansion for a weekend then shoots a ton of videos.

What you need is not a guru you need a coach and someone to lead you through a proven process.

Right now for a limited time (literally for the first 200 new students) that sign up before I start advertising this course, you get it for 1/3 the price that I will be selling this afterwards.

When you purchase you not only get access to the videos, training, tools, and tips. You will get access to this as the course grows without paying full price ever. The more people that I hear how this is helping them and changing their lives the more I will add to this course.

I will tell you that is the secret to me. I love helping people. Sounds corny I know. But it is true. When I was a manager, I loved seeing people succeed. Someone goes from entry level to supervisor themselves. Going from making 25K to 70K.

As a SEO professional and online marketing expert, I love helping my clients capture millions in sales. I have built websites, and their traffic up to the point where online sales are well over 10 million dollars in sales for several clients. I also am very proud to help the little guy increase his sales by 1 million because that changes his (her) life!

Let me share this with you one more time personally.

Watch this video to learn much more now.

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